Paracetamol made up £73.7million of the spend, being prescribed over 16million times, at about £4.50 a pack — roughly
While we can buy it for 0.97 Pence at the super market.
This is one of the reasons why you have to wait a long time to get an appointment or a long wait at accident and emergency.
The reason it is so expensive is because the government, gives the contracts to there friends to depend there pockets and there seem to be no regulations how much these private contractors can charge the NHS.
NHS has a lot of money. How ever instead of using that money to make the NHS better, this money is used to deepen the pockets of private investors and the Ministers & MP.
We know that how, well its a known fact, most politicians do what they do for there own self interest.
While the NHS spends around £4.50 a pack. This can be bought by an individual at a fraction of what the NHS pays.
So please just buy that meds from the counter.
This is just a small example of how the money is spent.
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